Courses and Free Hours

Do you need structure to kick yourself off that oh-so comfortable couch? Or do you simply want to go to the gym whenever you feel like it? The ACLO, the student sport organization of Groningen, with about 19.000 members, the largest one of its kind in the Netherlands, caters to both types of students with its courses and free hours.


The ACLO is open to students from the RUG and Hanze UAS. For a small price a year (namely €59,95), you can activate your college card to double as a sports card, which gains you unlimited access to the ACLO. The courses are specifically designed to introduce you to a sport or improve your skills. During set weeks and times you’ll be able to join courses in swimming, indoor soccer, climbing, martial arts, and over sixty other sports. Courses usually last from six to ten weeks, and with your ACLO card signing up and participating is free. Just make sure to sign up on time, as some courses require a lottery when there are too many applications (for example for Pilates).

Free hours

However, if you cannot make the commitment to attend every week or if you’re more of a spontaneous athlete, you can go to the ACLO during free hours. The swimming pool, the tennis courts, squash courts, and even climbing wall are then open to use. You can easily make a reservation via the ACLO app! Some free hours are really popular so make sure you are on time. Sometimes, however, you are lucky and you can still sign up a day beforehand. A schedule of free hours can be found on the ACLO website.

If you also want to make use of the fitness equipment, you have to pay an additional fee (€65) next to your ACLO subscription . For that price, you get unlimited use of the facilities, plus a course that explains to you how to use all of the equipment. From beginners to aspiring Arnold Schwarzeneggers, the ACLO has the material for you.

And don’t worry if you’re not familiar yet with the most effective techniques to lift weights or the best way to do sit ups; the capable instructors will gladly show you all ins and outs of healthy movement. And should something go wrong anyhow, that strained muscle won’t be there for long. The ACLO also employs physiotherapists to ensure that all students can receive proper treatment if needed. And if you have trouble mentally motivating yourself, there’s also a sports psychologist that is ready to get you to work.

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